Sandeco Welcomes 2019 with its Innovative Design and Solutions

Sandeco Welcomes 2019 with its Innovative Design and Solutions
  • 14.01.2019
Before, the paint that was used with the aim to achieve esthetic look in many art works, is now used also with the same purpose but also to widen its perspective by also creating new goals of usage. Nowadays, it protects the constructions from external conditions, provides hygiene and also used with the impact of adjusting lights with its different color tones and many others. However, changes on construction materials and using paint as complementary product with construction materials can be only possible by being innovative and developing new products. Nowadays, when consumption habits change rapidly, companies who keep up with these changes and brings innovation to the market can only achieve success. And now precisely, with its R&D and 50 years of experience, San Deco sustains in order to responds to market needs. With the vision all these features come along, the product features that we will put forward in year 2019; being up to date and allowing the user to create spaces that are directly proportional to their imaginations by bringing together technology with paint which last long long years without requiring renewals.

Multi Function

Multi Function paint can be applied on interior surfaces and faces of buildings such as walls, benches, sinks, bath tub, tiles, glazed tiles, ceramic, marble, wooden furniture, stainless steel, etc without primer application. Multi Function product’s high adherence, application without  primer and water repellent features allows the product to fit many different surfaces. Its dust and dirt repellent, and very easy to clean. You can convert your tiles to a new look without even breaking them and also turn your sear and torn bath tubs, sinks into their first look by applying Multi Function product. With some small touches, you can have renovated places by saving your money.

Beton Deco

Product is an acrylic-based emulsion and natural lime added decorative plaster which gives a stylish exposed concrete look. In 1950s some artist’s understating of in industrial buildings pioneer indoors without walls and free indoors day by day. For this called as “Loft” became favorite of those looking for a simple innovation. And recently, such buildings come to mind in the creative industries, especially offices, restaurant and display areas. recently, offices, restaurants, display areas.

Travertino Soft

Product is mineral based, natural decorative interior plaster that allowing to achieve travertine look on the surface applied on. With easy to apply feature, applicators may have the chance to create effects with unlimited texture options. As the product microns is specially formulated, either smooth soft textures can be achieved or unique natural stone textures can be applied to your walls.

Rulotex Ultra

Painting interiors is normally with individual decisions but for public exterior facades, this often requires collective decision making. It is common expectation for many people that painted facade should not be deformed for many years. Especially European countries approached this subject as an investment for future and they encourage people by offering loans and let them use it for quality long-lasting water-repellent paints for their exteriors. After San Deco’s strong R&D investments, Rulotex Ultra fits exactly for this purpose. Thanks to its elastomeric feature, product is an water repellent product and keep its elasticity even in low weather temperatures. It does not effect from the cracking while the newly built construction settles and product bridge the cracks. It provides a complete protection against exterior weather conditions on the surface product is applied on and prevents the formation of mold and fungus. As its resistance to UV is relatively high, colors keep its look for long years, it does not fade.   Cihan Eskikapusuz Marketing Director San Deco  

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