The world’s oldest perfume maker mentioned in the written records is a Babylon woman chemist named Tapputi who lived in 2000 BC. Babylon was the capital of the ancient world at that time. The idea of making perfume with the flowers that grow in the gardens of Babylon may be wrong to whom.
Perfume is considered the greatest invention of ancient history and is as fascinating as the concept of paradise. It is an area where power wars take place with it is secret laboratories, secrets and prestigious brands. It is very important that the rose oil is distilled by Avicenna for the first time in history.
What makes this event interesting is that rose oil was accepted as a drug when it was first distilled. In France, people who can make perfumes are given state orders and are considered artists. Perfume has been used at all times to create a sense of wealth and power.
Unfortunately, our country does not exist as a product and brand in the field of perfume which is accepted as the highest point of cosmetics. (1,2,3)
Why Perfume Market Tends to Grow?
By 2018, the global perfume market reached approximately USD 104 billion. Even perfume bottle design and production is a sector in itself.
Consumption of Cosmetic Products in the World
The biggest market of cosmetics is the European Union. Turkey’s share in the global cosmetics market stood at around 1.5% until ten years ago today is around 0.7%.
Imported Cosmetic Products Market in Turkey
Imported Cosmetics Products Sold in Turkey Market. A majority of cosmetic products sold in Turkey are imported. In 2010, Turkey imported about 589 million Dollars worth of cosmetics and personal care products.
Why Traditional and Nano Carrier Perfumes?
In recent years, parallel to scientific developments, the developments in the Chemical Industry are mostly observed in the fields of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology. The Chemical Industry is in a historical turning point with these scientific developments that revolutionize science and reconstruct the living things.
The perfume, which is considered as the peak of the sector, is accepted as the greatest invention of all time and functions as the key to human memory.
Essential Raw Materials for Perfume Making
Perfume is a combination of chemicals that give different flavors. These materials can be obtained from synthetic or natural raw materials. Naturally sourced products are always more expensive than synthetic ones and their market share is increasing day by day.
Prof. Dr. Nazan Demir - Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi / Mugla Sitki Kocman University - Kozmetik Ürünler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi / Cosmetic Products Application & Research Center
Referanslar \ References
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2. Sedef AŞIK Beyaz Yasemin Çiçeğinin (Jasminum officinale) Bazı Biyoaktiviteleri İle Koku Bileşenlerinin Araştırılması ve Parfüm Tasarımında Kullanılması. 2017(Yüksek Lisans Tezi)
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4. PARFÜM (Laboratuvarda Yapılan Sanat) Gece Kitaplığı Yayınevi, 2019
1.Sıla Nezahat DAŞDEMİR, Determination of Some Bioactivities of Mule Flower (Convallaria majalis) and Investigation of Usability in Perfume Design with Some Other Flowers. 2017 (Master Thesis) MSKU
2. Sedef AŞIK, Investigation of Some Bioactivities and Odor Components of White Jasmine Flower (Jasminum officinale) and Using in Perfume Design. 2017 (Master Thesis) MSKU
3. Nazan Demir, Herbal Raw Material Resources in Turkey (for Pharmaceutical, Perfume and Cosmetic Industries) Night Library Publisher, 2017
4. Nazan Demir, PERFUME (Art in the Laboratory) Night Library Publisher, 2019