Solvay Debuts a New Flagship Epoxy Prepreg for the Aerospace Industry.

Solvay Debuts a New Flagship Epoxy Prepreg for the Aerospace Industry.
  • 05.10.2021
Solvay Debuts a New Flagship Epoxy Prepreg for the Aerospace Industry. CYCOM® EP2190, an epoxy-based system from Solvay, offers outstanding toughness in thick and thin structures, as well as good in-plane performance in hot/wet and cold/dry situations. The material, which is the company's new flagship product for aerospace primary structures, competes with existing solutions for wing and fuselage applications throughout most aircraft industry sectors, from UAM to private and commercial aerospace (sub and supersonic) to military and rotorcraft. Solvay “The growing customer base within the aerospace industry has a demand for composite materials that offer balanced in-plane, damage tolerance, and manufacturing performance,” says Stephen Heinz, Head of Composite R&I, and adds: “We are proud to introduce CYCOM® EP2190, a versatile new prepreg developed to provide significant benefits over traditional primary structure systems and a solution that meets demand for both performance and manufacturability.” One of the new prepreg system's advantages is its increased toughness, which is paired with good hot-wet compression qualities to provide an optimal performance balance. Furthermore, CYCOM® EP2190 provides reliable manufacturing performance, allowing for human or automated manufacture of parts with complex shapes. Customers will be able to use the same material for many applications with this prepreg technology. CYCOM® EP2190 performance has been demonstrated during customer trials at several U.S. and European UAM, commercial jet and rotorcraft manufacturers. Product configurations include uni-directional carbon fiber grades and woven fabrics. At a time when fast adoption and reduced certification costs are essential for innovative applications, Solvay is able to provide customers with a preliminary database of CYCOM® EP2190 followed by a full NCAMP (National Center for Advanced Materials Performance) public database of the material available in 2022.   CYCOM® is a registered trademark of Solvay.

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