Saint-Gobain to Invest in BIPV

Saint-Gobain to Invest in BIPV
  • 02.12.2022
Saint-Gobain to Invest in BIPV Saint-Gobain and the solar manufacturer Megasol, one of the leading European companies in Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), have announced a strategic partnership. As a result of this collaboration, Saint-Gobain now owns a small portion of the business unit at Megasol that designs and produces building-integrated photovoltaics at its facility in Deitingen, Switzerland. Through the agreement, Saint-Gobain is able to expand its selection of environmentally friendly façade solutions and establish itself as a leader in the BIPV façade solutions market in Europe, which is one of the fastest-growing façade construction markets. Additionally, it grants Megasol access to Saint-Gobain’s customer base. BIPV solutions make an important contribution to sustainable construction and decarbonization by efficiently producing energy on roofs and vertical façades of buildings. Building owners can feed the electricity into the grid to enhance their earnings while simultaneously complying with current and future energy regulations and improving their own energy efficiency. Saint-Gobain to Invest in BIPV “Thanks to the aesthetic design of Megasol’s products, its fully customized and, at the same time, industrialized production, we are extending the scope of our applications allowing significant growth for Saint-Gobain’s total facade solutions” said Patrick Maier, CEO SaintGobain Switzerland. Markus Gisler, CEO of Megasol, commented: "With its sustainability strategy and immense expertise in glass and building envelopes, as well as its global presence, Saint-Gobain is the perfect partner to rapidly scale our business with our active solar building materials." The sustainable façade solutions Saint-Gobain offers, which vary by country, will be further strengthened by this relationship. Due to decreased embodied carbon and energy demands for a building in use, these facade systems offer great performance and a reduced carbon effect. This investment supports the Group's "Grow & Impact" mission, which aims to further solidify its position as a market leader in lightweight and environmentally friendly construction. Source

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