Quality and Sustainable Palm Oil

Quality and Sustainable Palm Oil
  • 01.12.2022
Quality and Sustainable Palm Oil: Realizing Permatu Hijau Group’s Vision Permata Hijau Group (PHG) is a leading palm oil corporation with a fully integrated operation spanning the entire palm oil value chain. PHG produced various quality and sustainable palm products such as: Palm Oil, Lauric Oil, oleochemicals, palm based protein and Specialty Fats which had been marketed to 50 countries around the world. In line with our vision to be the leading and sustainable palm oil company by producing quality products that benefits the communities we have implemented a comprehensive quality and sustainability management system to ensure our products are able to meet our strict quality standard and are produced in an environmentally friendly and socially acceptable way.
Producing Quality Products
We take the quality of our products seriously and have implemented quality management system following acknowledged international standards. Our production units had achieved various quality certifications to attest to our success.
Producing Sustainably
We are committed to NO Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NPDE) which is enshrined in our Sustainability Policy. We will also look into ways to reducing our impacts on the environment such as by reducing our carbon footprint.
Preventing Deforestation
We seek to prevent deforestation in our own operation and our supply chain. We use Global Forest Watch (GWF) Pro and regular field patrols to monitor our conservation areas (as identified by our HCV and HCS assessments) for early warnings of deforestation. To complement this monitoring effort, we educate local surrounding communities on the importance of conservation areas and implore them not to encroach on those areas. Our suppliers are monitored using similar methods. We use disturbances detected by GFW occurring within a 50 km radius of our suppliers’ mills as indicators of potential deforestation within their operations.
Fire Management and Prevention
We are committed to zero use of fire for any planting (new or replanting) or for pest and disease control in our plantation. We have developed and implemented an integrated fire monitoring and response system which combined online monitoring using Global Forest Watch’s GLAD alert system as well as VIIRS and NOAA hotspot alert system with on the ground monitoring and activities such as Fire Danger Rating signpost and fire tower.
Peat Management
We will not develop new oil palm plantations on peat (following the new Indonesian interpretation of RSPO’s definition of peat) regardless of depth, our existing plantations on peat (around 250 hectares) are managed in accordance with RSPO Best Management Practices (BPM).  
Respecting Human Rights
We are committed to ensuring our operations and suppliers are in full compliance with Indonesian labour laws. This means no child and forced labor; provision of fair wages; respect for the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; and workplace free from harassment, abuse and discrimination. We also respect the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) principle in our dealing with the local communities around our operations.
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
We are one of the first companies in Indonesia to install methane capture facilities in our palm oil mills. We commissioned our first methane capture facility in 2008 and equipped all our palm oil mills with methane capture facilities by 2010. Three of our methane capture facilities have been registered as CDM projects by the UNFCCC: - Project 2130: Methane Recovery in Wastewater Treatment, Project AIN07-W-04, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. - Project 2633: AIN08-W-03, Methane Recovery in Wastewater Treatment, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. - Project 2421: Nubika Jaya Biogas Extraction for Bio- Hydrogen Production. Our advances in Environment Social and Governance (ESG) space is also recognized through various ESG scorecards. Permata Hijau Group is committed to keep advancing our sustainability.   Khairul Limsa Head of Oleochemicals Permata Hijau Group

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