We had a pleasent interview with Ayla Çuhadaroğlu, Founder and General Manager of Odak Kimya. Çuhadaroğlu, shared important information about innovative products for color management solutions that offer to sector.
Could you please briefly tell us about your education and professional background in the sector?
I graduated from İstanbul Technical University, Chemical Engineering Department in 1989. I worked in two companies where I gained precious experiences in my carrier. One of them was, I worked at Profilo A.Ş. production facilities three years as Chemical Process Chief, followed by Tara Chemistry for 6 years as Sales Manager.
At the end of the year 1998 we established our company Odak Kimya Ltd.
Could you please tell us about the development process of your company from its foundation to the present day?
Odak Kimya established at the end of 1998 to demonstrate and serve color management solutions. We started with sales of color measuring devices in the industries such as paint, plastic, automotive, etc. cooperating with the world leader companies, one of them is GretagMacbeth.
Every year, we added new products to our product palette which- complement each other. We were careful about expanding the product palette. While adding new products, at the same time, we gained the authority to make sales in other sectors of GretagMacbeth (printing, packaging, Ink).
Other powerful brand in color measurement systems X-Rite which was strong in industrial sector and where GretagMacbeth was strong in textile sector such as printing, pre-press product palettes. After uniting of both companies in 2016, a very strong color management solution provider in all sectors was emerged.
As a result of this merger, we were positioned as distributor in the industrial sector by X-Rite. Until 2014, we were responsible for all sectors except textile. As of 2014, we started working as a solution partner for all sectors of X-Rite.
We are working with total of 28 people in our three offices located in Anatolian and European sides of Istanbul and in Adana city.
"Odak has positioned as 'Sole Distribution partner and Authorised Service Center' at the beginning of 2019."
Could you please tell us about your products, your target group and the industries that you serve?
Odak Kimya established at the end of 1998 to demonstrate and serve color management solutions. We started with sales of color measuring devices in the industries such as paint, plastic, automotive, etc. cooperating with the world leader companies, one of them is GretagMacbeth.
Every year, we added new products to our product palette which complement each other. We were careful about expanding the product palette. While adding new products, at the same time, we gained the authority to make sales in other sectors of GretagMacbeth (printing, packaging, Ink).
Other power- full brand in color measurement systems X-Rite which was strong in industrial sector and where GretagMacbeth was strong in textile sector such as printing, pre-press product palettes. After uniting of both companies in 2016, a very strong color management solution provider in all sectors was emerged.
As a result of this merger, we were positioned as distributor in the industrial sector by X-Rite. Until 2014, we were responsible for all sectors except textile. As of 2014, we started working as a solution partner for all sectors of X-Rite.
We are working with total of 28 people in our three offices located in Anatolian and European sides of Istanbul and in Adana city.
"When we look at our field of study, product sales, after-sales application support, service and sectoral training services in order to maximize customer satisfaction, investments in the necessary equipment and training are priorities."
"When we look at our field of study, product sales, after-sales application support, service and sectoral training services in order to maximize customer satisfaction, investments in the necessary equipment and training are priorities."
This year, you have performed a formation that “X-Rite sole distributor&service sales model in Turkey”. Could you please, tell us about this subject?
After the merge of GretagMacbeth-X-Rite, Odak was already Authorised Distributor for all market segments except textile in 2006. We took over textile market in 2014. We supported paint and plastic markets as two partners. Odak has positioned as Sole Distribution partner and Authorised Service Center at the beginning of 2019.
With this new role, Odak became only X-Rite partner in all over the world who supports all X-Rite product range as X-Rite partners are classified acc. To their market segments.
Have you recently offered an innovative product to the sector?
TAC7 Total Appearance Capture and VLB Virtual Light Booth products support the digital workflow from design to production, supported by the appearance of color measurement I think it is a revolution in innovation.
Could we learn after-sales services and customer satisfaction philosophy of Odak Kimya?
Due to the technological and high-quality standards of the products we work with, we believe that we make a difference by serving with technically equipped sales and application (technical support) team. In other words, our difference is our “Experienced Team”.
At the same time, our local service as an authorized service and calibration center provides great flexibility for both the industry and us. Odak Kimya makes a difference with the consultancy it provides to its customers naturally due to the diversity of the sectors it serves and its deep field experience.
When we look at our field of study, product sales, after-sales application support, service and sectoral training services in order to maximize customer satisfaction, investments in the necessary equipment and training are priorities.
With the development of complementary products in our product palette, we will continue our investments to strengthen our identity not only as a supplier but also as a solution provider.
Odak Kimya is a specialized company in the field of color. What is the importance of color, how does it affect consumer behavior? According to psychological research on marketing, the purchase decision is based on the impression taken in the first ninety seconds and we make 93% of our perceptions by color. In purchasing decisions, color plays a role of 83%.
For this reason, the importance of color as a quality control parameter is increasing day by day, so all sectors need to be careful about color.