• 21.11.2019

Do Silicones Suffocate the Skin?

Most silicones do not allow liquid water to penetrate but are breathable, allowing oxygen, nitrogen and water vapors to transport easily through them, into or out of the skin. Some silicones are cited to reduce trans epidermal water loss (TEWL) which is a leading cause of skin dryness and dehydration. This is why silicones are used in wound, scar regeneration and even burn creams to form a protective barrier to prevent trans epidermal water loss (TEWL), retains moisture in the damaged skin further to lowering the chance of infection and skin irritation. Silicones can create the ideal atmosphere of moisture and oxygen to transform skin and boost collagen formation, as well as regenerate overall epidermal cells. Besides this, silicones are clinically proven to reduce redness, Itching or Pain, soften scar tissue, flatten raised scars and prevent abnormal scarring.

Do Silicones Clog Pores on the Skin or Scalp Pores and CauseBreakouts?

Silicones are highly resistant to oxidation, resulting in non-comedogenic properties. They do not go rancid and, as they are non-irritant, they are non-acnegenic. They are also hostile to bacterial or other microbial growth. However, silicones may increase the penetration of some ingredients, such as common irritants including fragrance or known pore-cloggers for example, lipid-rich plant oils; these then the actual culprits behind breakouts and blackheads.

Do Silicones Cause Irritation?

Silicones don’t irritate the skin. They actually lower or eliminate irritation because they enhance the spreading and levelling of ingredients during application. This in-turn prevents pocketing and minimizes percentages of potentially irritating forms of cosmetic and drug ingredients. These include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), salicylic acid, strong emulsifiers and surfactants, benzoyl peroxide and organic sunscreens.

Are Silicones Allergens?

Silicones are too large to enter the skin and react with the immune system, so they can not trigger an allergic reaction. In fact, they are so biologically inert when in contact with the skin, silicones are now replacing latex, a common allergen in adhesives, gloves and a wide array of other items. Silicones are also used on open wounds because they shorten healing time and do not promote bacterial growth. Silicones have been dermatologically tested with no allergic reactions. They can be claimed as hypoallergenic which is not the case of most natural oils.

Do Silicones Buildup on Hair and is Difficult to Remove?

Silicone deposition levels and the impact on hair volume depend upon the product and quantity used. In any event, where silicone deposits are suspected, they can be easily removed after one application of a clarifying shampoo.

Do silicones contribute to sustainable development?

In fact silicones play an extremely important role in promoting sustainable development since they enhance the performance of products and appliances. Silicone allows other materials to last longer, spread better, stay flexible or rigid, and withstand extreme temperatures or electricity. These are qualities that reduce resource consumption (saving energy) while making life safer, more interesting and more comfortable. In fact, silicones in products save on average 9 times more CO2 than what is emitted during their production, use and disposal.

Is D4 forbidden in Personal Care Applications?

Cyclotetrasiloxane (D4) is classified in the EU as a reprotoxic substance, category 2. D4 is in the meantime in Europe on Annex II List of substances prohibited in cosmetic products of cosmetic directive 1223/2009. Only technically unavoidable amounts are allowed in cosmetic products. BRB is continuously improving it is products to lower the D4 remaining impurities levels to a maximum accepted limit of 0,1%. However, D4 is still widely used in personal care applications outside Europe.


Silicones are often one of the main ingredients in “oil-free” products such as anti-acne treatments, sensitive hypo-allergenic skin lines, scar treatments, healthcare and medical devices, therefore applied to skin at it is most sensitive. The reason? Silicones are chemically inert and never irritate or cause any allergic reaction on the skin. They are not occlusive, so they permit the skin to breath and they do not close pores. This breathable character protects skin from urban, external aggressions and permit skin to regenerate. Özge Yüksel Özel Teknik İş Geliştirme Müdürü / Technical Business Development Manager Kişisel Bakım / Personal Care

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