KRÜSS On Course For Expansion

KRÜSS On Course For Expansion
  • 28.01.2022

KRÜSS on course for expansion with Gordon Peters as additional managing director.

The company is progressively focusing on growth and constant customer orientation, thanks to the promotion of the director of global sales & marketing to top-level management. Gordon Peters joined KRÜSS as an additional managing director in the finance and commercial division at the beginning of this year. In Peters, Florian Weser, who is the ninth generation of his family to run the Hamburg-based producer of scientific measuring equipment, has found a capable partner. With Weser's acquisition of the division, KRÜSS is pursuing the company-wide growth and insourcing strategy that he has led since joining as managing shareholder in 2012. [caption id="attachment_133510" align="aligncenter" width="696"]KRÜSS, Genişleme Yolunda KRÜSS Managing Directors Gordon Peters (l.) and Florian Weser[/caption] Peters joined KRÜSS from Olympus in 2018 and was initially in charge of worldwide sales. He ensured the networking and increasingly consistent customer orientation of the sales, marketing, technical support, and applications & science departments as director global sales & marketing starting in 2019. Şirketin büyümeyi sürdüreceği görülüyor Peters connected the dots by establishing a customer support center, whose workforce serves as a single point of contact for customers and competently handles inquiries in collaboration with the departments. Peters developed direct agency in numerous sales markets that had previously been served through trading partners to increase consumer touch globally as well.

The signs point to further growth

Weser's appointment as managing director of R&D and production, as well as Peters' appointment as finance and commercial director, indicate that the company will continue to grow. Thanks to the intensive and well-proven cooperation between the two partners, the divisions remain as closely entwined as is required for the development of a medium-sized hi-tech firm.   Source

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