Industrial Plants and Coating Technologies

Industrial Plants and Coating Technologies
  • 21.12.2018
Industrial Plants are coating systems applicable in metal, electronic home appliances, defense industry, automotive, wood, aluminum, white appliances, advertisement, etc. Before applying the coating, the process of surface cleaning must be carried out step by step. After these applications are done respectively, the coating will be a smooth and long-lasting product. Goods from the automotive, defense industry, metal, wood, electronics and household appliances industry, are sent to wet paint coating stage after the surface cleaning is completed in dipping or spray cleaning line. Correction procedure is applied by puttying grinding deformations created on the welded metal material. Body coat of the corrected surface is made after rubbing. After this procedure is completed, the item is taken into final layer wet paint coating cabins for the coating material and the procedures are completed respectively. All these procedures are made in filtering systems from taking clean air to discharging dirty air. If the process requires a powder paint coating, after the degreasing process in the spray cleaning or dipping cleaning line, power paint coating will have the necessary cleaning for the Fe Phosphate or Zn Phosphate coating. Thus, the surface to be coated is not corroded and has a long life.Endüstriyel Tesisler The basis of the coating is the very good application of the surface cleaning coating of the metal, automotive, defense industry, electronic home appliances and wood products. Coating of a product which the surface cleaning is well-made is also easy. The important thing is to ensure that the surface of the material to be coated is smooth and clean. Because, if the oil on the material at the base is not cleaned, the coating cannot be applied.Endüstriyel Tesisler

Wet Paint Coating Plants

Wet paint plants are manufactured in many groups. It can be manufactured in filter type as well as water curtain type. In these cabinets, while both painting and drying can be carried out by applying positive pressure, only painting can also be done at the desired temperature. Obviously, flash-off and drying ovens are required in such cases. This is suitable for places with intense capacities. Wet paint application plants are produced in the form of automatic and manual system so it is best suited to the quality of the material requested by the customer. Wet paint plants appeal to sectors such as furniture, automotive, white appliances, plastic, advertising, etc. For the product to be coated without problems, surface cleaning being very good increases the quality of the product.

Powder Paint Coating Plants

Powder paint plants are manufactured automatic or manual in the form of U turn or box type. When manufacturing powder coating plants, the production capacity is prepared after the appropriate calculations are made according to the capacity of the customer. What is important is to ensure that the plant enters the regime at the right time and that homogeneous air distribution is ensured everywhere. The working speed in powder coating plants is calculated in m/min according to the desired capacity by using cardan shaft or webb type conveyors. This calculation value shows how many materials will be output in one working day. Powder paint plants manufactured until now serve the automotive, aluminum, electric, metal furniture parts, metal, advertising, etc. sectors. İlknur Kurt Project Manager Ares Kabin Makina    

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