Cywhıte melanobreaker - Lıghtener

Cywhıte melanobreaker - Lıghtener
  • 25.11.2019
L’Armor-Pleubian: The “land” of marine agriculture. At low tide a causeway opens up carved into the rocks between Penn Lann and Maudez Island. Where the causeway starts is a unique seaweed harvesting area, made up of specific ecosystems, and sheltering a specie called the Rainbow Alga: Cystoseira Tamariscifolia. The biotopes where Cystoseira tamariscifolia is growing are specific to a few species which are not collected by other seaweed-collectors. Cywhite acts on melanin production, melanosomes maturation, and also their destruction for benefits on the basal pigmentation of the skin and the homogeneity of the complexion. Volunteers self-assessment after 4 weeks, %1 Cywhite / In Vivo Zeynep Gülüm Pekçene - Ürün Müdürü / Product Manager - Arerko Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

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