Cortec Introduces New Corrosion Inhibiting Film

Cortec Introduces New Corrosion Inhibiting Film
  • 06.06.2023
Cortec Introduces New Corrosion Inhibiting Film Providing excellent contact, barrier, and vapor-phase corrosion protection for ferrous and non-ferrous metals, Eco-Corr Film® is the first biodegradable corrosion inhibiting film that uses Cortec’s proprietary VpCI® Technology. Eco-Corr Film® will disintegrate into carbon dioxide and water within 2-3 months in a commercial composting environment. The exact time for films to biodegrade depends on the conditions and activity of the disposal environment (temperature, soil quality, activity of microorganisms). Eco-Corr Film® is shelf stable and does not break down prematurely until disposed of in a proper composting environment. Corrosion Inhibiting Film Laboratory compostability testing of Eco-Corr Film® using a household-style compost bin showed the film was disintegrated in 112 days. Metal parts packaged in Eco-Corr Film® provide continuous protection against salt, excessive humidity, condensation, moisture, aggressive industrial atmospheres, and dissimilar metal corrosion. Source  

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