Certific Expands Remote Testing Platform

Certific Expands Remote Testing Platform
  • 25.05.2022
Certific has expanded its technology platform, allowing healthcare providers to conduct remote medical testing and expand the service to more patients. Certific's process, which began with the launch of its UTI digital screening service, guides patients through simple certified procedures, allowing medical professionals to focus on more complex and urgent consultations. Certific's platform will soon be expanded to support testing for other diseases, such as STIs, that have a better prognosis with early intervention.

Certific Expands Remote Testing Platform for UTI Patients

UTIs are a very common condition, with 40% of women experiencing one at some point in their lives and 4.8 million women in the UK experiencing one each year. According to NHS data, UTIs consume a significant amount of resources in the healthcare system, accounting for up to 10 million GP appointments each year. The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that patients can accurately test themselves at home with clear instructions. This cuts down on patient wait times, boosts uptake, and allows doctors to make an immediate diagnosis, giving them more control over treatment decisions. Healthcare providers who partner with Certific can refer patients to the Certific platform to receive a UTI Test and Treatment kit within 24 hours of noticing symptoms. Patients then use the Certific app to complete a quick health questionnaire and a guided self-test to get accurate results. Within 60 minutes of submitting the result, healthcare professionals may provide direct advice to the patient with a tailored treatment plan, which may include a medical prescription. Dr Jack Kreindler, Co-Founder, Certific said: “There’s a huge demand on the healthcare sector and it’s not possible to train and recruit enough GP’s and medical professionals to meet this demand, so we need to start finding solutions. “Our goal is to empower patients with the knowledge and means to safely perform simpler medical tests at home and radically free up healthcare professionals’ time, which can be used for more complicated work, enabling patients to get a faster, accurate diagnosis and improved treatment for UTI’s and other infections. We are able to do this to the quality of an accredited medical laboratory with exceptional practice standards.” “We work with leading organisations and independent, internationally recognised academic institutions to validate our processes and professional standards giving patients and medical professionals peace of mind.” Note: Content may be edited for style and length. KAYNAK: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220523005440/en/Certific-Expands-Remote-Testing-Platform-for-UTI-Patients

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