Cardolite Hardeners Cardolite NX 2003 D for Primer

Cardolite Hardeners Cardolite NX 2003 D for Primer
  • 26.12.2018
Cardolite offers excellent options for concrete primers. These phenalkamines are low viscosity, solvent and benzyl alcohol free, and exhibit good pot life. Our phenalkamine products include; • Very fast cure even at low temperatures, • Excellent film appearance, • Fast hardness development, • Excellent adhesion to green, damp, and dry concrete.

Table 1. Cure Speed                                             Table 2.Hardness Development

Phenalkamines show very fast cure even at low                                                             Phenalkamines provide walk on hardness within the first day. temperatures. Cardolite Diluents Cardolite Ultra LITE 513 Our diluent includes; • Very Low Color, Gardner <1, • Lower EEW, lower viscosity, • Good dilution efficiency especially in winter, • Imparts flexibility, • Improves water resistance&chemical resistance.

Hardness Development

Table 3. Hardness Development

Ultra LITE 513 shows faster hardness development than C12-C14 glycidyl ether type diluent.

Chemical Resistance

Table 4. Chemical Resistance

Table 5. Chemical Resistance.

Ultra LITE 513 epoksi sistemlerin sülfirik asit ve etanol dayanımını arttır. Ultra LITE 513 can improve sulfuric acid and ethanol resistance of epoxy systems.

Ultra LITE 513 C12-C14 glisidil eter tipi diluentlere göre daha iyi performans gösterir. Ultra LITE 513 shows better performance than C12-C14 glycidyl ether type diluent. Ecem Uzunhasanoğlu Chemist&Sales Representative Polikem  

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