Republican Period Turkish Architecture - Modern Era

Republican Period Turkish Architecture - Modern Era
  • 02.03.2020

İşbank Work Towers

İşbank İş Towers is an important element of the Istanbul skyline. The project studies of İş Towers dates back to the 1980s. First, project selected in the competition made for Turkey Şişecam Factory General Directorate was changed because of the purcahse of the project land by İşbank. Considering the economic reasons, it is decided to build one big tower and two relatively small towers. Thus, the bank headquarters, which will be the only tall structure, was separated from other towers and placed in a dominant position. The design of Iş Tower includes signatures of Doğan Tekeli - Sami Sisa. This tower completed on August 26, 2000, and have attracted attention since its opening. This complex, built with the most advanced techniques of the time, has many superior features. The big tower is approximately 8 times the size of T. İş Bankası Headquarters Building in Ankara. With the concrete of BS 35 quality used in the building, 1.000 apartments with 5 floors and BÇ III concrete steel with 8.000 flats of 100 m² could be costructed. The total of air ducts used in heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) installation reaches 150 thousand square meters, which is equal to the area of approximately 26 football fields. The amount of pipes used in the building, on the other hand, reaches the length equivalent to approximately 300 kilometers of road between Istanbul and Bursa. İş Bankası A.Ş. Turkey’s General Directorate of holding the office tower’s height is 181.20 meters. The heights of Tower 2 and Tower 3 are 117.61 meters.

Atatürk Dam

Ataturk Dam, built within the scope of GAP (Southeastern Anatolia Project), is one of the largest dams in the world. It is established on the Euphrates River between Adıyaman and Şanlıurfa provinces. The dam started operation in 1992, construction took approximately 9 years. The body volume of the building, which reached 169 meters above the foundation, is 84.5 million cubic meters. Atatürk Dam, which is a rockfill type dam, has a length of 1644 and a width of 15 meters. The lake area of Atatürk Dam, which is one of the greatest achievements in the history of Turkish engineering, reaches 817 square kilometers. With 2 thousand 400 megawatts of installed capacity, Ataturk dam can alone produce 10 percent of the electricity generated by tall he hydroelectric power plants in Turkey. With its 48.7 billion cubic meters of water storage volume, Ataturk Dam has the capacity to hold the water to meet the needs of drinking and potable water for the whole Turkey for 7 years. It contributed 3.3 billion lira to the country’s economy with approximately 8.3 billion kWh energy produced in 2019. The Atatürk dam, which has produced approximately 184 billion kWh of energy since its commissioning, has brought about 110 billion liras to our country, Turkey.

Atatürk Culture Center (AKM)

The first project of Atatürk Culture Center was designed by architects Feridun Kip and Rüknettin Güney. The building, the foundations of which were laid on May 29, 1946, was transferred to the Ministry of Public Works in 1953 when it could not be completed due to the lack of funds. After the project revised by architect Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, the construction process started again in 1956. The most important change in the scope of the revision was the removal of the recesses in the four corners of the building and the windows on its facade. The facade facing the square was completely dissolved as glass, and the top of this glass area was animated with aluminum elements. The construction was completed on April 12, 1969 and the building was put into service under the name of Istanbul Culture Palace. However, after a short period of time, the building became unusable due to the fire that broke out on 27 November 1970. The building, which was repaired by Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, took another long time to open again. Located on a 27691 m2 land, AKM was sitting on 14821 m2 and had a construction area of 52000 m2. On 6 October 1978, the building changed its name and this time it was put into service under the name of Atatürk Cultural Center. It has been the scene of countless events until 2000s and has a very special memory in Turkish culture and art life. Atatürk Cultural Center was demolished in 2018. Work is underway to rebuild this center with a new design.  

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