
  • 22.11.2019
  Interplast QUATREFLORA Vaginal Disorders Several Factors İnvolved During their life, women experience several factors which may have an impact on their intimate health. Those factors may lead to a disruption of the vaginal microflora fragile system and thus impact their quality of life. These are hormonal variations, antibiotics, tabac, fatigue, stress, age, vaginal douching, contraception, sexual activity.

Vaginal Dysbiosis and Microflora Disruption

1- Endogenous factors may lead to pro-inflammatory environment in the vagina = Favorable for opportunistic pathogens. 2- Candida albicans adheres to vaginal epithelium and switches to pathogenic form (hyphal). 3- Production of SAP = Enzymes involved in inflammation. 4- Development of pathogenic bacteria in parallel (i.e. Gardnerella vaginalis). 5- Induction of vaginal epithelium and mucus damages = Infection

zarar veren laktik asit üretimi + koruyucu biyofilm + lactic acid production detrimental to pathogen growth

Because of these reasons itching, combustion, changes in odor, redness, bacterial infections.

Vaginal Infections: A Widespread Issue

Vaginal infections have two types which are “Bacterial vaginosis” and “fungal vaginitis”. Bacterial vaginosis contains most recurrent pathogens of Gardnerella vaginalis which cause vaginal infection and 16% women affected at least once. Fungal vaginitis is a type of vaginal infection caused by Candida albicans, one of the most recurrent pathogens. At least 75% of women were affected by Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis, according to data from the Sexually transmitted disease treatment guidelines in 2015, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Also this data shows that %40 to 50% of women have a second episode and 8% to 4% suffer from recurrent Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis. 138 million women worldwide are affected by this disease.


Active ingredients of Quatreflora™Biotic, which offers innovative natural solution for vaginal health from Lesaffre’s expertise, include patented and proprietary probiotic yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856. Quatreflora ™ Biotic is an oral form which is very easy to use and is recommended as 500 mg/day. With proven efficacy, this product limits pathogens proliferations, modulates major virulence factors of the pathogens, reduces inflammation caused by vaginal infection, prevents recurrence of vaginal infections, protects vaginal epithelium by forming a barrier helps manage vaginal infections specifically due to Candida albicans and Gardnerella vaginalis.

Quatreflora ™ Biotic;

1. Adhesion to vaginal epithelium. 2. Switch to hyphal form and constitution of a biofilm. 3. Production of SAP = enzymes involved in inflammation. 4. Induction of vaginal epithelium damages.

Antifungal Activity and Mechanism of Action

International peer-reviewed journal of Publication in Virulence show for the first time that specific Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based ingredients, particularly the strain CNCM I-3856, can exert beneficial therapeutic effects on widespread vaginal mucosal infection. Our specific Saccharomyces cerevisiae- based ingredients not only physically perturb C. albicans colonization of epithelia, but also directly inhibit the elaboration of several key pathogenicity factors. In this study, they demonstrate, for the first time, that S. cerevisiae- based probiotic shows an inhibitory effect on Gardnerella vaginalis infection. Altogether, this data clearly demonstrate that S. cerevisiae has a strong capacity to fight G. vaginalis experimental infection, that its efficacy is comparable to that of L. crispatus, recognized probiotic in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. The beneficial effect exerted by our S. cerevisiae-based probiotic is also the result of the modulation of the inflammatory response of the host and the modulation of virulence factors of C. albicans.

Quatreflora™ Biotic Clinical Study

The clinical study conducted in France to investigate if oral supplementation of Quatreflora™ Biotic could improve the efficacy of the conventional drug treatment against vaginal candidiasis and 22 women presenting vaginal candidiasis at inclusion. This study, which lasted 56 days, resulted in the following data. 1. Between T0 and T7, the antifungal treatment is effective in both groups. 2. Its efficiency time is limited and the infection restarts after 7 days particularly in the placebo group. 2 + 3. Quatreflora™ Biotic allows to control the overgrowth of C.albicans, thus decreasing the risk of recurrence.


Quatreflora™Med have dried yeast patented and proprietary strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856 which is suitable for local use in medical device and is recommended as 400 mg/day. Quatreflora ™Med, demonstrated his ability to bind Candida albicans and induce it is coaggregation and form a barrier to protect the vaginal epithelium. It efficacy proven collaboration with the department of experimental medicine University of Perugia in Italy. This product whose benefit and effect is supported by scientific articles, provides a natural and reliable solution without side effects in the treatment of vaginal infection. This material is compliant with the new Medical Device European Regulation. Yazan \ Author - Elçim Ayşakar - Satış Mühendisi - Sales Engineer - Yaşam Bilimleri Departmanı - Life Sciences Department

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