Multifunctional Golden Strawberry Miracle with Corticoid-Like Effect: Physavie
In the personal care market, the trend of consumers is now instead of products that focus on solving a single skin problem; to use products that strengthen and protect the skin barrier, make the skin feel good, suitable for use by all skin types, and meet the definitions
of natural and responsible
In connection with this trend, classical definitions such as anti-aging began to be replaced by new definitions such as healthy aging, barrier repair, and skin awareness. Meet with Physavie to catch up with current trends and obtain multifunctional formulas suitable
for consumers’ demands.
Chemyunion has developed Physavie®, a safe and highly effective solution for sensitive and/or sensitized skin, that regulates important inflammatory mediators, ensuring a powerful soothing action that also contributes to control and to reduce early aging.
Developed by Chemyunion with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide extraction, Physavie®, with its high concentrations of active ingredients;
• has soothing properties on sensitive and/or sensitized atopic equivalent to hydrocortisone without the adverse effects;
• regulates skin temperature and microcirculation, maintaining its baseline levels, even after external aggression;
• protects the skin from biological damage caused by exposure to UVA/B radiations and blue light
• has proven Anti-Aging Thermal Action;
• Controls skin temperature and microcirculation when subjected to external aggressions;
• It moisturizes the skin by regulating the watermoisture balance of the skin;
• Stimulates the skin’s natural antioxidant defenses, increases extracellular matrix production and restores the skin barrier.
Efficacy Tests
Physavie has been tested on more than 10 inflammatory that increase sensitivity and/or sensitized skin, and it has been confirmed by clinical studies that it provides a soothing effect equivalent to Hydrocortisone.

When exposed to UVA/UVB and blue light, the levels of procollagen, type I collagen and glycosaminoglycan proteins decrease, while the activity of MMP-1 and PMN elastase enzymes increases.
Clinical studies with Physavie showed that Physavie stimulates the releases of procollagen, type I collagen and glycosaminoglycans; it also prevents skin damage by MMP-1 and PMN elastase enzymes.
Therefore, Physavie has an anti-thermal aging effect. With Physavie, it is possible to obtain skin care formulas that help repair and soothe the skin in a short time, reduce sensitive skin complaints, and prevent aging caused by infrared and blue light.
Please contact me for more detailed information about our product, our clinical test, your sample requests and our solutions developed by the Barentz laboratory.
Sultan Ergün
Sales Manager, Personal Care
Barentz Gıda ve Kimya Tic. Ltd. Şti.