Opening Ceremony of Composite Manufacturing Facility Held

Opening Ceremony of Composite Manufacturing Facility Held
  • 22.02.2022
National Technologies and New Investments Collective opening and promotion ceremony took place. With the ceremony; the opening of the National Combat Aircraft Engineering Center, Composite Manufacturing Facility, Space Systems Engineering Building, Warehouse Level Maintenance and Repair Center, completed in the Ankara Aerospace and Aviation Specialized Organized Industrial Zone (HAB), established next to TUSAŞ, was inaugurated. Opening Ceremony of Composite Manufacturing Facility Held President Erdoğan also attended the ceremony and delivered the opening speech. Announcing the opening of the composite manufacturing facility, where composite materials, which are very important for the aviation industry, will be produced and approximately one thousand people will be employed, Erdoğan said. Temel Kotil, General Manager of Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ), also made the opening speech. Kotil said, “The Composite Production Building has the capacity to meet 2% of the world’s air structural composites market and 150 engineers and 850 technicians will work in the Composite Manufacturing Facility .” used the phrases.

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