Omya Awarded by Frost & Sullivan

Omya Awarded by Frost & Sullivan
  • 22.12.2022
Omya Awarded by Frost & Sullivan for Its Omyaloop Solution Recent research by Frost & Sullivan into the sustainable mining solutions market led to the awarding of Omya with the 2022 Europe New Product Innovation Award. The company adopts a comprehensive lifecycle perspective for its goods and services, allowing it to provide customers with novel, value-added solutions that boost their competitiveness in the market, environmental sustainability, and general productivity. Omya has consistently created value propositions to meet customers' current and changing needs related to their industry as well as to improve the technical capabilities of its finished goods. Omya concentrates its efforts on developing products that are compatible with the European polymer industry's need to meet regional sustainability objectives, particularly those related to the circular economy.. Using a needs-based strategy, Omya introduced Omyaloop, a new family of recycled calcium carbonate products, to aid the polymer industry's transition to a sustainable circular economy. ışıltı The offering comprises ultrafine calcium carbonate Omyaloop MIX, specifically developed to compatibilize polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) in mechanical recycling. Available in the most widely used particle sizes in polymer manufacturing, the products can easily substitute carbon-intensive fillers in existing formulations. Omyaloop is the market's first certified, 100% recycled calcium carbonate product range for polymer applications. Since it generates safe products for all food-contact applications, the solution satisfies the requirements for the EU 10/2011 food contact certification, making it suitable for adoption across a variety of end-use sectors. The 100% recycled products satisfy the following Omyaloop certified grades: 1 FC-AV 1T FC-AV 2 FC-AV 2T FC-AV 5 FC-AV 10 FC-AV Paulina Blaszczyk, an industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, commented, "Omya carefully selects and responsibly sources recovered calcium carbonate for its Omyaloop product line. It began producing the products in various European plants using highly selected raw materials. Its extensive selection process and specification conformance earned it the Bureau Veritas International Organization for Standardization 14021 certification for 100% recycled materials." Omyaloopcan be applied in several market segments, including automotive, PVC (e.g., flooring, pipes, and tubes), and compounds and masterbatches, increasingly gaining popularity as a viable solution. With innovation and sustainability as essential pillars of its core values, Omya invests heavily in research and development (R&D) and leverages market insights to develop novel products that generate positive value for all industry stakeholders. "The recycled Omyaloop products perform similarly to conventionally sourced unprocessed calcium carbonate in compounding and extrusion operations, making them viable as 1:1 replacements in most polymer production processes. Omya can increase recycled content in its final products to meet stringent industrial sustainability goals due to the product's viability for immediate and complete substitution.”said Sama Suwal, Best Practices Research Analyst for Frost & Sullivan. With its strong overall performance, Omya earns Frost & Sullivan's 2022 Europe New Product Innovation Award in the sustainable mining solutions industry. This prize is given annually by Frost & Sullivan to the business that uses leading-edge technology to create a ground-breaking product. The award acknowledges the product's value-added features and the higher return on investment it provides consumers, which in turn increases the likelihood of gaining new customers and expanding one's market penetration. Source

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