Innovative Water and Solvent Based Pigment Paste

Innovative Water and Solvent Based Pigment Paste
  • 02.01.2020
In order to protect the environment and human health from harmful effects caused by chemicals; it has imposed restrictions to limit or eliminate the exposure to various levels of harmful substances to humans and the environment. Chemicals in this scope:

Heavy Metals

If taken into the body by mouth, respiration or skin, it is suspected that it may accumulate in the body and cause serious diseases (such as thyroid diseases, neurological diseases, autism and infertility), causing metabolism to deteriorate an even death.


Causes congenital developmental defects, hyperactivity, infertility, premature blighting, asthma, obesity and cancers and so on diseases.


Causes carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic effects and damages the aquatic environment.

Interplast Kimya R&D Center

By examining all the prohibited chemicals, the company has synthesized pigment pastes that respect the environment, nature and people. Dispersion effects of water and solvent based pigment paste has wet table capacity for according to Young Formula; γs= γsl + γlx.cosθ The surface tension of the liquid is designed to be higher from the surface tension energy of the pigment. According to the designed this formulation; The effect of Van-der Waals force between interaction of pigment particles were reduced, avoid to occurring of agglomeration.

Steric/Electrostatic Stabilization

Paints consisting of different chemical components, cationic/anionic structure in water-based formulas, Interplast Kimya R&D Center project provides the nonionic chemical structure; permanent stabilization was achieved by emphasizing steric and electrostatic stabilization. One of the most important effects of stabilization is to prevent the flocculation problem by anticipating the interaction between pigment particles. The COLANEX Series that is developed by Interplast Kimya R&D Center, does not contain a new generation of prohibited chemicals and offers water and solventbased pigment pastes to the market. COLANEX series products, on account of strong binding structure, they are resistant to chemicals (DMF, MEK, alcohol derivatives etc.) and stable in acidic and alkaline environment. The COLANEX series, on account of products has less than 10 micrometer of particle size, offers short time preparing of mixing and easy processability. COLANEX Series products are compatible with plastifiyan and engineering resins. COLANEX Series products can be used in plastifiyan, polyurethane and acrylic systems for film forming processes and microporous forming processes.


Solvent based pigment paste paints for PVC coating systems including acrylic coating, polyurethane coating and plastifiyans: * Provides easy distribution, * Providing permanent stabilization, * High coverage feature, * not include PAH, MAK, OPP and NPEO, * High coloring strength, * Preventing agglomeration pigment pastes are synthesized. COLANEX W Series water-based pigment pastes for water-based applications of polyurethane and acrylic systems; * Provides easy distribution, * Preventing agglomeration, * High coverage feature, * Low micron range, * Not include PAH, MAK, OPP and NPEO, pigment pastes are synthesized. Hilal Çömez - R&D Engineer - İnterplast Kimya Lale Şen Çetin - R&D Center Manager - İnterplast Kimya    

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