Circular Economy and Recycle Concepts

Circular Economy and Recycle Concepts
  • 23.01.2023
Circular Economy and Recycle Concepts in the Cosmetics Industry Due to the rapid increase in population and constantly changing consumption habits of people, we are decreasing the resources that we have every day. The known reserves of raw materials and natural resources in the world are not sufficient in the face of the exponentially increasing needs of the world. Unless necessary precautions are taken, the raw material crisis will be felt worldwide. It is estimated that the global population will reach 9.6 billion by 2050. In order to maintain the current lifestyle of humankind, the amount of natural resources required is equivalent to approximately three times the current amount of the Earth [1].
So how should we change our perspective in the face of these inevitable problems and how can we protect the ecosystem we are in?
Today, products produced in a system where linear economics dominate are designed to be turned into waste in their final step. This leads to an increasingly growing waste problem and the risk of raw material shortages and the depletion of natural resources. At this point, new methods must be developed to ensure and encourage sustainability. The circular economy aims to minimize waste formation and to return materials and resources to the product cycle at the end of their use to preserve their value as long as possible [2]. Circular economy and linear economy As a result of excessive consumption, the concepts of zero waste, minimalism, and recycling should be given priority on our agenda in order to more carefully use and pass on today’s resources to future generations, as the amount of waste also increases. Recovery models that support sustainability and the circular economy are classified according to the value and intended use of the new product that the waste will be turned into; recycling, upcycling, and downcycling. Methods for recovery Upcycling is defined as the recovery of waste products in a form different from their original purpose and outside of their primary use [3]. To achieve the best efficiency in sustainable quality, properly collected and separated, uncontaminated waste is needed. If waste is cleanly separated, it can be processed directly into secondary raw material standards and converted into quality products at upcycling facilities. Energy savings can be achieved through the use of upcycled raw materials because more energy is needed during the process of unprocessed raw materials. In addition, the concept of garbage is eliminated by reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy resources. Each year, 1.3 billion tons of food rots in garbage bins or spoils during transportation and harvesting [1] Food waste refers to the difference between the amount of food produced and consumed, and occurs as a result of uneaten or discarded food. In addition to wasting valuable resources such as water, land, and energy, this also increases the amount of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. To reduce food waste, there should be studies on reusing and recycling. Food components have been frequently used in skincare and hair care formulations in the cosmetic sector as an emollient or active ingredient for a long time. An example of upcycling is collecting orange peel waste and using it as a source of fragrance or vitamin in a product. Recycling means reusing and producing waste materials again in order to reduce waste [4]. To be able to reuse the products that will be recycled in the production process, they must first be broken down at a facility, and this process requires energy. recovery Nonnatural, technical materials, such as plastics, cannot be returned to the circular economy in any other way than recycling. In order for packaging made of polyethylene to be reusable, it must be completely melted down. In fact, if it contains polyester components, these must be separated for high-quality recycling. In the cosmetics industry, tons of plastic are thrown away every year. In order to produce zero waste, sustainable, and circular economy-contributing cosmetic products, each component of the products must be considered separately. Downcycling is the conversion of waste material or product into another product of lower value. The final products obtained through the recycling of plastics are relatively lower in quality, so it is a example for downcycling. Each model of recycling is very important in order to reach the circular economy. In this way, the need for raw materials, the reduction of energy consumption, and the protection of limited resources and nature can be ensured. Another important benefit is that economic gains can be achieved at both the company and national level when it can be implemented. In order to ensure resource efficiency, which is vital for the sustainability of our planet, supporting the projects of enterprises with grant and incentive packages, taking into account the needs of the sector operating in this direction, will be an important driving force of qualified recovery and transition to the circular economy. In particular, issues such as strengthening the necessary process change investments and R&D studies should be considered as important steps in order to reuse the wastes as raw materials.   References 1. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2022- 12 Responsible Consumption and Production Report 2. Önder, H. (2018). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Anlayışında Yeni Bir Kavram: Döngüsel Ekonomi. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 3. Sung, K. (2017). Sustainable production and consumption by upcycling: understanding and scaling-up niche environmentally significant behaviour. Doctoral dissertation, Nottingham Trent University. 4. United States Enviromental Protection Agency- National Recycling Strategy Report,   MSc. Gizem Demir Tunçbaş R&D Category Engineer (Personal Wash) Evyap Sabun Yağ Gliserin A.Ş.   Dr. Aslı Özge Avcı Tuna R&D Category Manager (Personal Wash) Evyap Sabun Yağ Gliserin A.Ş.

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